


肖宜华 教授,硕/博导





1) 微生物有机地球化学方向,主要包括天然有机质和环境污染物的环境过程与生态风险研究

2) “Biogenic Fenton水处理工艺研发与应用


1) 芬兰环境学会委员

2) 海洋与湖沼协会(ASLO),国际湖沼学会(SIL)和国际环境生物地球协会(ISEB)会员




2015-2019年:项目研究员 (PI),于韦斯屈莱大学(芬兰)

2017-2018年:访问学者 (Guest Researcher),挪威生命科学大学(挪威)

2019.12-至今:副教授 (Docent),于韦斯屈莱大学(芬兰)



1) 2022.01-2024.12,国家自然科学基金项目(No.42103029,主持,在研);

2) 2021.12-2025.12,国家科技部重点研发计划长江黄河重点专项子课题(No.2021YFC3201000主持,在研);

3) 2021.01-2022.12,国家科技部高端外国专家引进计划(No.G2021025001L主持,在研);

4) 2022.01-2024.12,山东省自然科学基金面上项目(No.ZR2021MD125主持,在研);

5) 2020.01-2024.12,山东省泰山学者青年专家计划(No.tsqn201909126,主持,在研);

6) 2021.01-2022.12,长江水环境教育部重点实验室开放课题重点项目(No.YRWEF202102,主持,在研

7) 2020.12-2022.11,中科院海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室开放基金(No.2020KFJJ12,主持,在研

8) 2016.09-2019.12,芬兰国家科学院青年项目(No.295709,主持,已结题)

9) 2015.01-2015.12,芬兰国家文化自然科学基金资助博士后项目(No.103757-47394,主持,已结题)

10) 2011.11-2014.12,芬兰国家Kone Foundation资助博士后项目(No.35-3243,主持,已结题)


1) 北欧卓越中心项目(2017-2022NordForsk No. 82263,参与)

2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012-2015No.41172318,参与

3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2011-2013No. 41071301,参与

4) 同济大学污染与控制国家重点实验室基金项目(2009-2011No.PCRRY003,参与)

5) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2007-2009No. 40601095,参与)


1) 本科课程:《环境学概论》,《环境地学》,《环境法基础》

2) 研究生课程:《环境污染物行为学》(英文)、《水体光学过程与原理》(英文)、《区域水污染治理与规划》(中英文)




1) 2019  山东省泰山学者青年专家

2) 2021  青岛理工大学三八红旗手

3) 2015  研究员外派访学奖金, 于韦斯屈莱大学芬兰

4) 2013  校长奖学金, 赫尔辛基大学(芬兰)

5) 2011  博士研究生出国访学奖学金, 同济大学(上海)

6) 2004  国家二等奖学金


Vahatalo, A.V., Xiao, Y.*, Salonen, K. 2022, Biogenic Fenton process – A possible mechanism for the mineralization of organic carbon in fresh waters, Water Research 188, 116483 (IF: 11.236).

Xiao, Y.*, Riise, G. 2021, Coupling between lake color and iron, Science of the Total Environment, 767: 145104 (IF: 7.963).

Xiao, Y.*, Carena, L., Nasi, M-T., Vahatalo, A.V. 2020, Superoxide-driven autocatalytic dark production of hydroxyl radicals in the presence of complexes of natural dissolved organic matter and iron, Water Research 177, 115782, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115782 (IF: 11.236).

Li, F., Huang, J., Wang, M., Chen, L., Xiao, Y.* 2021, Sources, distribution and dynamics of antibiotics in Litopenaeus vannamei farming environment, Aquaculture 545, 737200 (IF: 4.242).

Li, F., Liu, W., Lu, Z., Mao, L., Xiao, Y.* 2020 A multi-craiteria evaluation system for arable land resource assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192: 79, doi: 10.1007/s10661-01908023-x (IF: 2.513).

Feng, C., Yu, L., Xiao, Y., An, C. 2020, Environmental behavior and effects of pollutants in water, Journal of Chemistry, 2639389, doi: 10.1155/2020/2639389 (IF: 2.506).

Xiao, Y.*, Rohrlack, T., Riise, G. 2019, Unraveling long-term changes in lake color based on optical properties of lake sediment. Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134388 (IF: 7.963).

Dong, Q., Wang, F., Xiao, Y., Li, P., Huang, Q.* 2018, Effects of Elevated Production of Autochthonous Dissolved Organic Matter on the freely dissolved concentration of Cadmium. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, doi:10.1039/c8em00012c (IF: 4.238).

Xiao, Y.-H.*, Hoikkala, L., Kasutinen, V., Tiirola, M., Kortelainen, P., Kortelainen P., Vahatalo, A.V. 2016, The effect of iron on the biodegradataion of natural dissolved organic matter. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JG003394 (IF: 3.822).

Xiao, Y.-H.*, Raike, A., Hartikainen, H., Vahatalo, A.V. 2015. Iron as a source of color in river waters. Science of the Total Environment, 536: 914-923 (IF: 7.963, cited 30 times).

Xiao, Y.-H., Huang, Q.H.*, Vahatalo, A.V., Li, F.P., Chen, L. 2014. Effects of dissolved organic matter from a eutrophic lake on the freely dissolved concentrations of emerging organic contaminants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33(8): 1739-1746 (IF: 3.742, cited 11 times).

Xiao, Y.-H., Sara-Aho, T., Hartikainen, H., Vahatalo, A.V. *, 2013. Contribution of ferric iron to the light absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter. Limnology and Oceanography, 58(2): 653-662 (IF: 4.745, cited 90 times).

Li, F.P., Zhang, H.P.*, Zhu, Y.P., Xiao, Y.-H., Chen, L., 2013. Effect of flow velocity on phytoplankton biomass and composition in a freshwater lake. Science of the Total Environment, 447: 64-71 (IF: 7.963, cited 70 times).

Jiang, D.G., Li, J.H.*, Huang, Q.H., Xiao, Y.-H., 2011. The variation in optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a shallow lake during rainy season. Asian journal of chemistry, 23(11): 4771-4776.

Xiao, Y.-H., Huang, Q.H.*, Chen L., Li, P.H., 2010. Microalgae growth and photosynthesis responses to dissolved organic matter from salt marsh plants and sediments. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(8): 1239-1245 (IF: 5.565).

Xiao, Y.-H., Huang, Q.H.*, Chen L., Wang, F., Li, P.H. 2011. Effects of Bisphenol A on dissolved organic matter fluorescence characteristics using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) modeling. Civil Engineering and Energy Engineering (CEEE 2011), 3: 2124-2127.

Xiao, Y.-H., Chen, L., Wang, F., Jiang, D., Huang, Q.*, 2010. Effects of dissolved organic matter on bioavailability of bisphenol A to Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. IEEE Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2: 701-704.

Li, F., Gao, Y., Zhang, H, Xiao, Y., Chen, L. 2015. Simulation experiment on the effect of flow velocity on phytoplankton growth and composition. Journal of Lake Sciences, 27(1): 44-49 (in Chineses) .

Cai, M., Xiao, Y., Wang, F., Lu, Z., Huang, Q.*, 2012. Retrieving the origin and transformation history of dissolved organic matter in the surface sediment from an Arctic Fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Acta Ocenaologica Sinica, 34(6): 102-113 (in Chinese).

Wang, F., Huang, Q.*, Xiao, Y., 2012. Interaction of cadmium and stibium with dissolved organic matter from different sources. China Environmental Science, 32(5): 829-836 (in Chinese).


1) 20188月,作为分会场主席主持SIL2018国际会议

2) 2019Journal of Chemistry期刊特邀编辑

3) Water Research, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Environment Pollution等国际期刊审稿人